After leaving it nestled in its box in the garage for a few days until the pouring rain passed, this evening after work I planted the cherry in its new home, off the southeast corner of the house.
But first, check out the new growth the raspberries are putting forth:
Now, back to the tree. You may recall that I posted previously on the fact that I stood right next to the box in the garage without paying it any mind. Here's the visual:
Yes, this box is as tall as me. Okay, now let's get everything loaded into the wheelbarrow and haul it up the hill around the side of the house and to the designated planting spot...
But wait - first a picture of the daffodils that finally decided to bloom:
Okay, back to the wheelbarrow:
I've got the organic garden soil, the shovel, kneeling pad and of course the tree. Again heeding the information I absorbed all winter, I dug the hole both deep and wide, to give the little roots plenty of loose soil in which to spread themselves. Once more, this shovel does a great job of slicing through the lawn:
After lots of digging, prying out rocks, dumping and mounding dirt and so on, I proudly present - the tree!
Update - The dry stick formerly known as a tree is still in the yard as a cautionary tale of some sort.